To All Those Face Book Addicts - Keeping up just got easier

Are you one of those people who just can’t do anything without wondering what’s happening on facebook? Even when you are away from home do you always use your mobile and precious credit just to check whether someone has commented on your photo, status update, or replied to your FB message? And are you one of those people who stays logged in to FB during all the time you are using a computer which you should be using to work/study? Then this may just interest you.

Thanks to one of my friends (Sukiri) I heard about mobile text alerts. Although it does not do what I want I guess it’ll help most people. Guess what this service is free. You also don’t need a sophisticated high-end phone to use this service. All you need is the ability to send and receive text messages on your mobile. (isn’t that great)

(Disclaimer: If you already know about FB mobile texts then this is not the place for you)

How does it help? :
• It alerts you when somebody has commented on your postings of photos, wallposts and status messages.
• And you can
reply to all of those with a text message. (Now you don’t have to wait till you get home to get back at those smart comments. When they insult you, you can get right back at them)
• If you are a virtual stalker then this service just made your job a whole lot easier. All you got to do is go and subscribe to someone’s profile and you receive all that person’s updates and postings on your mobile. (this activity is not recommended by the GoSL or by any other government for that matter)
• If you use an “upahara” for all those mobitel and landline calls and a blaster for all the dialog calls, still you have nothing to fear you can add more than one number to the text list.
On a serious note if u are a team leader at your work, study group and want to communicate cheap with all your team members at once, then just tell them to subscribe to your profile then facebook will do the job for you and for free.

• There is no way you can get alerts about the birthdays that are upcoming. (this is what I really wanted as I still keep forgetting to wish people, and FB has taken away our freedom to forget them)
• This service is only offered to Dialog and Mobitel customers.

How do you activate it:
Well it’s really simple.
First go to Account Settings on Facebook
Then Here don’t do any fancy things just type the letter “f” and send to 32665. When you send the message you will receive a confirmation code. Enter the confirmation code where it is asked for and you’ve done it. If you don’t want people to see your mobile number just uncheck the box below the text box. Upon confirmation you will be asked as to what alerts you wish to receive. Just check the alerts you want to receive and you are done.

Well that wasn’t so hard was it?

(gosh there should be some easier way to add the photos, and then to organize them on the blogs. I cant help feeling the screenshot texts are hard to read)


  • You interested me with this one... you really did.
    When I saw the words "Facebook" and "addicts" my eyes opened up...
    i was disppointed when I read the disclaimer :)

    First to tell you, an "Addict of Facebook" would be almost sure to have known of FB mobile alerts :)

    yes this is a good thing really... It alerts you on things happening. Earlier I used FB mobile through using GPRS and that I think is not so expensive as our charges are quite low. You can do most of the stuff done with a PC in a compressed way suited to a mobile phone.
    So whenever I hav been tagged in a photo, the link directly takes me to it and I get to see it wherever I am. just follow ""

    In addition to this you get FB mobile uploads where photos can be uploaded through a mobile device. For this each user is given a personal upload email to which u can mail a photo through your mobile and it gets uploaded.
    (Get it from FB mobile section)

    On an ending note, this service is free from Facebook but local texting charges apply.

    Good job Sasika on creating awareness among readers on this topic

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